Gather By

Gather By's Australian Manuka Honey is sustainably harvested from the pristine native bushland of the Northern Rivers along the East Coast of Australia and independently, scientifically tested for its potency and purity.

Gather By undertook research to identify 15 varieties of the Leptospermum (Manuka plant) with the highest DHA levels, resulting in world-premium honey, a unique range of flavours and the highest MGOs available.

Our Medicinal Honey Forests use biodiverse planting to heal the land, keep the bees strong and healthy and ensure a constant supply of honey. Gather By works with the local community, creating jobs for Traditional Owners, farmers, and beekeepers.

Our honeys are cold-extracted and coarse-filtered. Manuka honey is used for gut health, wound care, oral health, and general wellbeing thanks to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Gather By honeys have been tested against up to 80 pathogenic and disease-causing organisms including antibiotic resistant superbugs.

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Brand Values

  • The World's Highest Potency Manuka Honey

Products from Gather By

MOQ £100.00 (£50.00 1st Order)

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